iWETLAND: Managing Species at Risk Habitat through Wetland Water Level Citizen Science

Presented by Taylor North and the McMaster Ecohydrology Lab

iWetland is a citizen science wetland water level crowdsourcing research program operated by the McMaster Ecohydrology Lab in the Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve for the last several years. iWetland water level stations are set up in popular hiking and camping areas within the GBBR and visitors can then text the water level of the wetland to a database the collates the critical water level to better understand the hydroperiod of critical rattlesnake and turtle wetland habitat. In this webinar, we will share the approach we have adopted in developing the citizen science project and discuss the research and knowledge mobilization advances we have made while also discussing some of the shortcomings of the program. We will also share some of our research on the importance of GBBR wetlands for overwintering habitat of species at risk reptiles.

This webinar is free of charge and login information will be provided on your ticket via email following registration.

The Wetland Knowledge Exchange is a venue for sharing boreal wetland best management practices information with the goal of raising awareness, increasing information transfer, and fostering collaboration among industry, government, and other interested stakeholders. For more information, visit our website at www.wetlandbmpexchange.com or contact us at wbf_bmp@ducks.ca.

If you are unable to attend this day, please note the webinars are recorded and will be available for viewing shortly after the webinar concludes at www.wetlandbmpexchange.com/webinar-series

October 2020 Wetland Knowledge Exchange Webinar

  • Wednesday Oct 28 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Canada