Emerging Designer

Ask Ida Q&A

Question - Why should I write the NCIDQ exam?

Answer - NCIDQ Certification establishes your skills and competence as a professional, and reflects your commitment and drive to distinguish yourself. With widespread public confusion about what an interior designer does, certification strengthens the profession as a whole. It is the only exam recognized by provincial regulators to meet the highest level of professional association membership. An NCIDQ designation will add to your credibility and professionalism as you compete for jobs and clients. 

Upcoming IDA Event

NCIDQ Exam Presentation 

An email will be sent to IDA members asking about interest in attending an NCIDQ Exam Preparation Session in Edmonton and Calgary. 
The session aims to provide information on the exam registration process and tips for studying. Several recent exam candidates who passed will be present. There will be open dialogue – more about what to expect, and less about going through the books chapter by chapter.
Attendees are encouraged to connect for follow up study sessions. IDA will provide participants CEU certificates for Non-IDCEC hours. Attendance can be in person or virtual, and will be $35.

Mentoring Minute 

“Remember to communicate.”

Communication is no longer considered a soft skill. It is an essential skill for career and project success. Keep others well informed as you carry out your work. If you don’t have an update for someone yet, reach out and explain this so they know you are handling things. A quick message such as, “I haven’t forgotten your request for _____________. I’m waiting for confirmation from the supplier and I’ll get back to you as soon as they send it.” It’s better to reach out before they start to wonder if you forgot and have to ask you for an update. 

Your Input is Valued

Please engage with us and share your feedback.
If you have a question you would like answered in a Q & A, or content suggestions you would like covered please email info@idalberta.ca